Thursday, May 10, 2007


I'm actually wi=orking faster than posting, which is kind of good. But it means I may not post every panel I finish. Here's page 12, panel 4:

Despite an hour of Lost, an hour on the phone with the mom, setting up a new blog and producing a bit of content for it, I actually got more done yesterday than I did in the two days prior — combined.

I think being busy with hands in different pots actually helps me be productive. Without a doubt, the biggest drain on my work is the desire to be doing something else. So, if I make that/those something else(s) more 'comics', I can do just enough of that on the side to keep my wandering mind wandering along the right path.

That's the theory, anyway. So, in addition to How Did This Happen?, I'm toying with the idea of giving myself even MORE to do, in the hope that I'll get the main work done faster. Oh yeah? I'd like to see YOU out-think my crazy brain!

More on the other side bit later. Hopefully, it won't go down the same drain so many other ideas I've had in the past have gone down.


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