Sunday, November 25, 2007


Taking a quick break away from the mind-numbing nibwork:

A: My brushes. All sable blends, from #2s to #12s. When I need a brush, I grab the one of the appropriate size furthest to the left. Once I've decided that I've used that brush enough (before it gets clogged with ink or when the next step requires a different tool (whichever comes first), I clean the brush in the kitchen sink (metal!) and put it back in the row on the far right. This way, I give the brushes a chance to dry out before using them again (can't ink with a watery brush).

B: Ink! I've got two 'jars' of ink going at the same time (when I'm smart). The open jar is actually the container for one of those grocery store-bought scented candles with the wax out. This one is running low, and I'll probably clean it out and then refill it with fresh ink. The jar covered in foil is actually a ceramic tea cup. This one is thickening up for use tomorrow. The foil keeps it from evaporating TOO fast, but it doesn't keep it from evaporating totally.

C: Water that I need to refresh. The water is for the Pro-White correction ink. It's actually a watercolor, but I'll call it as i use it. Deuce!

D: Excess bristol from that two-page spread I did last week. I use whatever excess board I have for wiping the excess ink off the brushes and twisting them into points.

E: Barks for shorts! Carl Barks duck pages. I usually have something on the dest (or near it) for inspiration. One of the things I'm stealing and modifying from Barks is the way he'd stagger panels. Instead of a perfect 8-panel grid (for his less adventurous page layouts), he pushes the top left panel a little wider. He then does the same with the right-hand panel on the second tier. And then he repeats for the next two. I like this idea a lot. It really helps guide the eye across each tier instead of confusing it into maybe slipping down.

F: The page in progress. One problem with the nib pen is the amount of ink it leaves on the page. There's a higher volume dropped on each mark than is normally left with the brush. It just sits there and takes a bit longer to dry.

G: My initial cover drawing for this issue. It helps me remember what everyone looks like and helps me not loose track of their clothes and excessories.


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